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New Song Nashville's Podcast

Feb 24, 2019

John 14:21

Speaker: Pastor Joel Evrist

Feb 17, 2019

John 14:21-24

Speaker: Pastor Dale Evrist

Feb 10, 2019

Matthew 3:1-2,8; Matthew 4:17; Acts 2:37-38, Acts 17:30; Hebrews 6:1; I Thessalonians 1:9; Matthew 27:3

Speaker: Pastor Joel Evrist

Feb 3, 2019

Mark 1:14-15; Luke 4:14-21; 5:29-32; Matt. 4:17-20; Acts 2:38-39; 3:18-21

1. Repenting and Believing Defined
2. Repenting and Believing in the Life of Jesus
3. Repenting and Believing in the Life of Jesus’ Followers
4. Repenting and Believing in Our Lives

Speaker: Pastor Dale Evrist